What are Baby and Me Play Dates you ask? They are a fun place where you and your child up to three years old can sing, dance, laugh, sing and be silly for thirty minutes once a month.
Why do we want to spend thirty minutes singing and dancing? Babies are born with millions of brain cells. Music and movement cause more networks between the cells to be created, which is the essence of learning. The ryhthm of moving to and repeating rhymes and songs are what help build these networks. However if the cells are not introduced to music and movement there are not as many networks built and the chance to build these networks are lost. Building these networks between cells helps to pave the way to early literacy skills. Better early literacy skills leds to better school performance and isn’t that something all parents want for their child?
Wait, are you thinking to yourself? “My child won’t sit still, or my child won’t sing, let alone dance.” Are you thinking? “Oh no, I can’t sing, and I won’t dance in front of people. What if I don’t know anyone?” Don’t worry. Everyone learns differently, even adults. There are those who sit and absorb all the goes on around them. There are those that sing at the top of their lungs and dance like no one is watching. As they say it takes all kinds.
So come on and play, sing, dance, and laugh with us. Meet new people. Help your child learn. The next play date is Februray the 10th at 10:00 at the Help Me Grow office in the play room.
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