Did you know that you could pay 60% to 180% of your refund to loan companies or local tax preparation businesses to get that quick, before you walk out the door, refund? Are you sure you are taking all the deductions you are entitled to? Surprisingly you may not be! It is estimated by the Ohio Attorney Generals office that in Meigs County 530 people do not claim Earned Income Tax Credit. (EITC) On average $1430.00 could be claimed by those who don’t claim EITC. Are you one of them?
How do you know if you are eligible for EITC? If your gross income is less than the following amounts, you could be eligible:
Income....... Status......Dependents
48,279 ........Married....3+
43,279 ........Single........3+
45,295 ........Married....2
40,295....... .Single........2
40,263 ........Married....1
35,463 .........Single.......1
18,440 .........Married...0
13,040......... Single.......0
Even if you did not make enough money to file your taxes you may still be eligible for the ETIC credit.
Gallia Meigs Community Action Agency’s Ohio Benefit Bank sites can do your taxes for free. Yes free! No need to go to costly Payday Loans offices or rapid refund centers and pay 60% to 180% interest to get money you are entitled to. Not to mention having to pay $50 and up for getting your taxes prepared.
Call Gallia Meigs Community Action Agency at 740-992-6629or 740-367-7341 or Help Me Grow at 740-992-6629 and ask for an Ohio Benefits Bank Counselor to get an appointment.
You can also contact a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site (call 1-800-906-9887). You will need to bring these items with you to your appointment. Proof of income, Social Security cards for all household members, Wage and earning statements, interest and dividend statements, if available, a copy of last years returns, total paid for day care and the providers tax ID, Your bank routing number and account numbers for direct deposit, And last, your spouse if married, to sign the required forms. Direct deposit takes 8 to 10 days but you will get all your refund back without any paying anyone anything. Sounds like a pretty good deal. Call and make an appointment as soon as you get your wage and earnings statements!
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